Returning to Oasis after Covid/Covid Exposure
Policy for returning to church:
4 conditions must be met if you have tested positive for COVID:
1. 10 days since symptoms started (or 10 days after test if Asymptomatic)
2. 24 hours without a fever
3. Symptoms have to have improved
4. Negative swab or antigen test. Rapid tests: test positive for both antibodies - Swab: negative for Covid
If you have continual exposure (ie someone you live with tests positive) but you have NOT tested positive yourself:
1. Wait 14 days after the one who is with you that has been exposed has met those first 3 things above.
2. A negative test is not enough: Accuracy of test as well as the ability to catch it after the test was taken continue to be a factor.
If you test positive with the antibodies:
1. Pass a negative swab/antigen test before returning OR rapid tests: test positive for both antibodies (IGG and IGM)
If you think you have been exposed in a high risk way (close and personal):
1. Self-quarantine for 14 days since last day of exposure
If you think you have been exposed in a low risk way (social distance/mask):
**Low risk exposure (What we have on Sunday if everyone wears masks when moving around and seating done separated) doesn’t require self-isolation**
1. Self monitor for symptoms that are unusual for you for 14 days. In the event you develop symptoms get tested.
4 conditions must be met if you have tested positive for COVID:
1. 10 days since symptoms started (or 10 days after test if Asymptomatic)
2. 24 hours without a fever
3. Symptoms have to have improved
4. Negative swab or antigen test. Rapid tests: test positive for both antibodies - Swab: negative for Covid
If you have continual exposure (ie someone you live with tests positive) but you have NOT tested positive yourself:
1. Wait 14 days after the one who is with you that has been exposed has met those first 3 things above.
2. A negative test is not enough: Accuracy of test as well as the ability to catch it after the test was taken continue to be a factor.
If you test positive with the antibodies:
1. Pass a negative swab/antigen test before returning OR rapid tests: test positive for both antibodies (IGG and IGM)
If you think you have been exposed in a high risk way (close and personal):
1. Self-quarantine for 14 days since last day of exposure
If you think you have been exposed in a low risk way (social distance/mask):
**Low risk exposure (What we have on Sunday if everyone wears masks when moving around and seating done separated) doesn’t require self-isolation**
1. Self monitor for symptoms that are unusual for you for 14 days. In the event you develop symptoms get tested.
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