Small Group "Best Practices" to prevent the spread of Covid-19
Hello Group Leaders!
We wanted to update you on our best practices concerning the coronavirus and your group meeting. We believe this is a time for the Church to shine. We believe with all our heart that community and connection is the key to riding out the uncomfortable changes that we are all personally making at this time. Life is always better together. Not even the coronavirus can change that! We also want to stay connected in a responsible manner. Guidelines are always shifting so here the latest best practices for safe community recommended by our government, the CDC, and our Oasis leadership.
1.) We want to limit the group size to 10 or less. It’s the express line rule for small groups! If your group is larger you can divide up and meet at different locations or some people could FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom meeting in to keep the numbers down. Your group could also meet exclusively through any of these digital means as well. (how cool!) Staying connected is so important and we’re encouraging that you find the best and safest way for you to keep being the Church together.
2.) If you feel sick or if your kids feel sick please stay home. You’ve heard that only you can prevent forrest fires. Well, only you can prevent the coronavirus! Use the above ways to connect digitally to your group.
3.) If you are an older person or have an underlying health condition that puts you at higher risk please stay home. We want you to be safe! Connect digitally to your group as well.
4.) Avoid food sharing food at your gathering. This virus is most quickly shared through contact and the delicious qualities of sharing food make that a point of easy transmission.
5.) If your group meets on campus we will provide cleaning supplies for you to wipe down the table afterward. Clean for the win!!! Can you take out your own trash as well? It will not only keep the room clean and disinfected but we are reducing the amount of custodial work being done at the church to reflect the decrease in usage during this time.
If we follow these best practices we’ll be conducting community in the safest way while still being the Church together.
God bless you all!
We wanted to update you on our best practices concerning the coronavirus and your group meeting. We believe this is a time for the Church to shine. We believe with all our heart that community and connection is the key to riding out the uncomfortable changes that we are all personally making at this time. Life is always better together. Not even the coronavirus can change that! We also want to stay connected in a responsible manner. Guidelines are always shifting so here the latest best practices for safe community recommended by our government, the CDC, and our Oasis leadership.
1.) We want to limit the group size to 10 or less. It’s the express line rule for small groups! If your group is larger you can divide up and meet at different locations or some people could FaceTime, Skype, or Zoom meeting in to keep the numbers down. Your group could also meet exclusively through any of these digital means as well. (how cool!) Staying connected is so important and we’re encouraging that you find the best and safest way for you to keep being the Church together.
2.) If you feel sick or if your kids feel sick please stay home. You’ve heard that only you can prevent forrest fires. Well, only you can prevent the coronavirus! Use the above ways to connect digitally to your group.
3.) If you are an older person or have an underlying health condition that puts you at higher risk please stay home. We want you to be safe! Connect digitally to your group as well.
4.) Avoid food sharing food at your gathering. This virus is most quickly shared through contact and the delicious qualities of sharing food make that a point of easy transmission.
5.) If your group meets on campus we will provide cleaning supplies for you to wipe down the table afterward. Clean for the win!!! Can you take out your own trash as well? It will not only keep the room clean and disinfected but we are reducing the amount of custodial work being done at the church to reflect the decrease in usage during this time.
If we follow these best practices we’ll be conducting community in the safest way while still being the Church together.
God bless you all!
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