Foster Care & Adoption Support
We at Oasis Church have a heart for families and feel especially called to support those from broken homes. Our ultimate goal is for no family to feel like they are carrying a burden alone. The need for foster homes in Manatee and Sarasota counties alone is staggering. Every single day there is a child in need of a safe home. Though fostering children can be a hard role, it comes with a great reward in knowing you are making a difference in the life of a child. Your actions matter and you can help make a difference as a prayer partner, a foster Champion, or even a prospective foster or adoptive parent. At Oasis, we provide support for foster families in our community. If you are a local foster or adoptive family looking for a safe and loving community, we would love to come along side and support you. Also, if you have a heart for these broken families and want more information about becoming a licensed foster family contact us for more information.
Foster/Adoptive Family Support
One way Oasis Church is partnering with our foster families is by providing WRAP AROUND CARE for our foster families. You may not be able to welcome a child into your home but maybe you can babysit or provide a weekend off once a month for the family or maybe you could be a DIAPER ANGEL and send diapers every month to a family to help supplement their needs!
Meet Needs in the Community through
Connecting you to the child in need
In every community, there are children and families at a point of crisis, who need help. In those same communities, there are churches and people who care and want to take action. But what they need is a connection point.
Sign up and start meeting needs in our community TODAY!
Sign up and start meeting needs in our community TODAY!
Give to Oasis Foster Support
Help us grow the impact we can have on the rising Foster Care Crisis in
Manatee County by giving a tax deductible donation TODAY!
Manatee County by giving a tax deductible donation TODAY!
For more information contact Pastor Missy Parmenter